Sneak Preview of “The Adventures of Aimeli Marcelle” line!

I’ve been showcasing some of my paintings of Aimeli Marcelle, but now I’m ready to show you more of it!  Maybe I’ll show you a different one each post to build interest? 🙂 I still need to learn how to take really sharp pictures so I can send to print. Just another thing to add to my checklist..yeesh…ever have those days where you tackle on so many projects that the list is endless? Tackling this self-starter business sure takes a lot of time! 🙂 I’m also starting my pinterest board. Who wants to be my marketing guru?!? I can’t pay you yet, how about in virtual hugs and smiles? 🙂 Ca? Since, I know you are my devoted reader and I’m so grateful for you everyday. No matter how busy you are with the girls you always make the time to check up on me. Chi Thy, if you are reading this…thank you my dear! My lil brother Chink (it’s a slightly derogatory nickname which I mean no offense) who’s always supporting me. What is this? It’s not “Thanksgiving” or “Day of Thanks” but I know it’s really important that when we can, we make the effort to let the people we care about, know. You just never know…there is so much violent in the world, so much unrest, not to mention life threatening diseases, like cancer, alzheimer, and so many that takes away our quality of life, take away our dear ones too soon, so many cars on the road, too many people in a hurry to get from Point A to Point B that accidents abound. Thanks for letting me rant! I read the news today about the “Neo-Nazis” and the “Anti-Fascists” rally that happened yesterday around the Capitol of Sacramento and it saddens me, makes me sick…so close to my home. There is nowhere safe. Everyone is afraid to go anywhere and can you blame them? There’s no sense of community…I’ve always wanted a place like that, like the Gilmore Girls.

Back to the original intent of my post…I think/I know I mentioned this before, but “Aimeli Marcelle” (pronounced em-ma-lee mar-sale) is an anagram of all my nieces’ names. Well for Aivy, Maila, Gemma, Amelia, Emily, and Allie…can’t say for future ones unless they stick to similar names. 🙂 I created her for them, for their moms, as a symbol of the magic, the enchantment still left in this world. That they can grow up to be anyone and everything. Fighter, Dreamer, Artist, Healer, Educator, Lover, Adventurer, etc. That they never “grow up” that they maintain their childlike quality, their zest for learning, their kindness, their belief in “good” will always outweigh the evils of the world, that they treat everyone with equal respect and kindness, unless shown otherwise. We need more people like that in the world.

I refer to the featured image as “Snow White” because the flowers on her crown and her shirt reminds me of her character. Snow White spent a lot of time in the wild with the Seven Dwarves when her stepmother, the queen took over control of her realm. And because of the colors too!

I will be adding the rest of the Aimeli Marcelle’s paintings on the pinterest page if you want to check it out! Right side of the page under “Social”. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy creating them!

Over and out,

Peace Mongler


An Ode to Barcelona!

Earlier this year I went on a trip to Barcelona, home to Antoni Gaudi’s beautifully whimsical architectures. His buildings are work of art and I cannot begin to describe what it’s like to witness it all. To see it, to experience it. His buildings are so fairy tale, whimsical-like, unlike any traditional buildings that you see everywhere. It’s like being in a magical fun house for adults. Each building different and unique but also signature of Gaudi’s style. He wasn’t afraid to be different. He spent most of his later years, 16+ years working on the Sagrada Familia, til his death. I admired his passion and singular devotion to his art.

There were so many moments that I wished to share with you but I feel overwhelmed putting down in words. Barcelona changed me. As do a lot of other places abroad. Each time I returned from a trip I feel different. Renewed.

Barcelona I learned is home to so many talented street musicians. I was fortunate to witness one soo truly beautiful that it brings tears to my eyes and for the rest of my life I will never forget that moment. It was around Park Guell. I wanted to go inside the whimsical sculpture park that Gaudi created but unfortunately the next show was in 3 hours and I wanted to go to a friend’s gathering so instead I walked around the outskirt of the actual park. It must’ve been fate that I didn’t go in because I was lucky to hear this violinist. The duo was playing in this natural rock enclave and the acoustic was out of this world amazing. I regretted not recording a full song because of my phone battery was low and I still had to get back to my hotel. But, fortunately for me, there were many that uploaded their recording on youtube. I’ve included this link here: This does not come close to hearing it live, but still beautiful nonetheless.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained…

There are some days that I get kind of frustrated and overwhelmed that I won’t be able to support myself financially, that I have all these ideas/projects that might not panned out the way I want them too. So I find myself switching projects, never really finishing one and tackling another…I know it’s my way of not really committing to one thing because of the possibility of failure. We all been there before right?!? Telling ourselves that it’s just a hobby. Well, soon my finances will dwindled so I really have to set down goals for myself. Baby steps. I got my business cards! Of course that was a process in it itself…I want them to be amazing, foil stamped, spot varnish, on special luxe paper, something that spoke about my business, but I talked myself into toning it down, reducing the cost for the first run to see how it goes before buying bulk. So to save money I attempted some diy with spray painting the edge…did not worked as I would like. Next attempt will be just using a paint brush and painting them. Keep on trekking!

Thanks for bearing with me as I went into details about my daily obstacles. Although there are definite downside about not working in a steady 8 to 5 job…like the money, of course, and use of office supplies (I know we all do it) but I really really enjoyed waking up later during the day and just having time to do all these projects. Today I worked on these flower crowns/circlets that I’m really happy with. Will post pictures soon.

The Return of Aimeli Marcelle

I’ve been working from home for two days now and so far so good! More time to just start/finish projects I’ve been sketching/thinking in my head. It’s different this time around because the last time I took a hiatus from my “job” I didn’t really have a purpose. I do now…kind of. My creative goals are all over the place, but I like the freedom and flexibility of just taking off and going where opportunities arise. I’ve been so inspired lately to draw/paint this character in all her whimsical costumes. I can’t remember when I started painting her…but I’m really excited to showcase all the paintings I’ve done so far. I do remember why I created her though. She’s a symbol of the magic and beauty to be found in this world if we let ourselves dream and explore. I’m gonna try to find a printer to reproduce these paintings so I can offer prints for sale. 🙂 If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Til next time…

Live the life you have always imagined….

I finally took the plunge….I quit my full-time job to pursue more creative endeavors! My last day was yesterday but I’m feeling good..I started on some watercolor paintings that I’m actually happy with. I’m reminded from a fellow artist friend of mine that we are constantly struggling with our art and there are days that it won’t turn out the way we want it to but there are days when it works out and it’s just an amazing feeling. And it is indeed. I’m going to make a vow to myself to keep on persevering, especially when I don’t see any immediate results. I’m certainly going to miss having a steady income but I’m always going to be glad that I change my work situation. If not now, when…right?

I’m excited to see what comes next…